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  • Foto do escritorJohnathas Beccon

Good reasons why you should practice English conversation

We organise regular walk and talk groups.

Our walks take place in the downtown Porto Alegre area. They are either around the town or in the parks nearby. Each walk is approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours in length. We think that when you are walking with a group you have the opportunity to speak to different people. This gives you time to practice your English conversation skills. Teacher John organises the walks and encourage everyone to chat in English as they walk along. As well as practicing English conversation there is opportunity for you to make new friends and enjoy some gentle exercise. Each walk ends with refreshments in a local coffee shop.

People who join our walks are always happy to have the opportunity to practice their English conversation in a friendly environment.  We believe that our students feel much more relaxed and not so worried about making mistakes when they are speaking to other people for whom English is a second language.

For details of walks contact us.

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